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Animal feed contamination (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Animal Nutrition (The volume cannot be downloaded. It is possible to borrow the book for a maximum of two hours. Up to 2 pages can be printed. Access allowed to 3 simultaneous users). See this tutorial to learn how to access the book.

Aquaculture Production Systems (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Atlante di anatomia del cane e del gatto (Login with SCU credentials. It is allowed to download the index and only one chapter)

An atlas of interpretative radiographic anatomy of the dog and cat (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Atlas of gastrointestinal pathology (The volume cannot be downloaded. Access is allowed for an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Atlas of normal radiographic anatomy & anatomic variants in the dog and cat (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Atlas of small animal wound management and reconstructive surgery (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)



Il cane nella pratica veterinaria. Approccio educativo e gestione nell'ambulatorio (Login with SCU credentials. It is allowed to download the index and only one chapter)

Canine & feline endocrinology (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Canine and Feline Nutrition (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Canine Infectious Diseases: Self-Assessment Color Review (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Canine reproduction and neonatology (It is possible to download the entire volume after creating a free account. The pdf file is accessible for 10 days. Access is allowed to 3 simultaneous users)

Cattle behaviour & Welfare (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Chirurgia dei piccoli animali (4. edizione)(Login with SCU credentials. It is allowed to download the index and only one chapter)

Chirurgia dei piccoli animali (5. edizione)(Login with SCU credentials. It is allowed to download the index and only one chapter)

Comparative Pharmacokinetics: Principles, Techniques and Applications - 2nd ed. (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Comparative and Veterinary Pharmacology (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Comparative Veterinary Anatomy: A Clinical Approach (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Complications in equine surgery (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Contemporary Statistical Models for the Plant and Soil Sciences (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Cunningham's textbook of veterinary physiology (It is possible to download the entire volume after creating a free account. The pdf file is accessible for 10 days. Access is allowed to 3 simultaneous users)


Dairy herd health (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Diagnosi e terapia delle malattie degli animali esotici. Coniglio, furetto, pappagalli, tartarughe (Login with SCU credentials. It is allowed to download the index and only one chapter)

Diagnosis and management of lameness in the horse (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

I disordini emostatici nel cane e nel gatto - Manuale per la diagnosi e il trattamento (Login with SCU credentials. It is allowed to download the index and only one chapter)


Ecology, Conservation and Management of Wild Pigs and Peccaries (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Embriologia Medica di Langman (Login with SCU credentials. It is allowed to download the index and only one chapter)

Endocrinologia clinica del cane e del gatto (Login with SCU credentials. It is allowed to download the index and only one chapter)

Endocrinologia del gatto (Login with SCU credentials. It is allowed to download the index and only one chapter)

The Equine Acute Abdomen - 3rd ed. (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Equine applied and clinical nutrition : health, welfare and performance (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Equine emergencies : treatment and procedures (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Equine Fracture Repair - 2nd ed. (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Equine Medicine, Surgery and Reproduction  (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Equine nutrition: INRA nutrient requirements, recommended allowances and feed tables (Online Only Access: Volume download is not possible)

Equine Reproductive Physiology, Breeding and Stud Management (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Equine surgery (It is possible to download the entire volume after creating a free account. The pdf file is accessible for 10 days. Access is allowed to 3 simultaneous users)


Farmacologia generale e molecolare (Login with SCU credentials. It is allowed to download the index and only one chapter)

Feed and Feeding Practices in Aquaculture (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Fish nutrition (4 ed.) (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Food Animal Practice (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Food Safety for the 21st Century (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Forage evaluation ruminant nutrition (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Fowler's Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine, Volume 8 (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users).

Front office management for the veterinary team (It is possible to download the entire volume after creating a free account. The pdf file is accessible for 10 days. Access is allowed to 3 simultaneous users)

Handbook of Veterinary Obstetrics (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Improving farm animal welfare (Online Only Access: Volume download is not possible)

Improving animal welfare: a practical approach (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Infectious diseases of the dog and cat (It is possible to download the entire volume after creating a free account. The pdf file is accessible for 10 days. Access is allowed to 3 simultaneous users)

Interpretation of equine laboratory diagnostics (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users).


Jubb Kennedy & Palmer's Pathology of Domestic Animals: Volume 1 (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Jubb, Kennedy & Palmer's Pathology of Domestic Animals: Volume 2 (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Jubb, Kennedy & Palmer's Pathology of Domestic Animals: Volume 3 (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)


Laboratory Production of Cattle Embryos (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Lameness in horses (7° ed.) (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Large animal internal medicine (ed 2020) (It is possible to download the entire volume after creating a free account. The pdf file is accessible for 10 days. Access is allowed to 3 simultaneous users)

Large animal internal medicine (ed. 2009) (It is possible to download the entire volume after creating a free account. The pdf file is accessible for 10 days. Access is allowed to 3 simultaneous users)


Malattie del cane e del gatto in età avanzata. Diagnosi e terapia (Login with SCU credentials. It is allowed to download the index and only one chapter)

Manuale di ostetricia e neonatologia del cane e del gatto (Login with SCU credentials. It is allowed to download the index and only one chapter)

Medicina interna del cane e del gatto (5. edizione) (Login with SCU credentials. It is allowed to download the index and only one chapter)

Medicina interna del cane e del gatto (6. edizione) (Login with SCU credentials. It is allowed to download the index and only one chapter)

Microbiologia e immunologia veterinaria (Login with SCU credentials. It is allowed to download the index and only one chapter)

Mycotoxins in Foodstuff (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)


Pathologic basis of veterinary disease (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Patologia clinica del cane e del gatto. Approccio pratico alla diagnostica di laboratorio 1° ed (Login with SCU credentials. It is allowed to download the index and only one chapter)

Patologia generale veterinaria (Login with SCU credentials. It is allowed to download the index and only one chapter)

Patologia veterinaria sistematica (Login with SCU credentials. It is allowed to download the index and only one chapter)

Poultry behaviour and welfare (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Practical Handbook on the 3Rs in the context of the directive 2010/63/EU (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Practice management per la professione veterinaria (Login with SCU credentials. It is allowed to download the index and only one chapter)


Radiografia del cane e del gatto. Interpretazione e diagnosi (Login with SCU credentials. It is allowed to download the index and only one chapter)

Rebhun's diseases of dairy cattle (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)


Small animal critical care medicine (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Small animal internal medicine (ed 2019) (It is possible to download the entire volume after creating a free account. The pdf file is accessible for 10 days. Access is allowed to 3 simultaneous users)

Small animal internal medicine (ed. 2014) (It is possible to download the entire volume after creating a free account. The pdf file is accessible for 10 days. Access is allowed to 3 simultaneous users)

Small animal spinal disorders (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users).

Small animal surgery (It is possible to download the entire volume after creating a free account. The pdf file is accessible for 10 days. Access is allowed to 3 simultaneous users)

Small Animal Toxicology (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)


Tables of composition and nutritional value of feed materials, 2004 (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Textbook of Small Animal Emergency Medicine (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine : Diseases of the Dog and the Cat (It is possible to download the entire volume after creating a free account. The pdf file is accessible for 10 days. Access is allowed to 3 simultaneous users)

Textbook of veterinary diagnostic radiology (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Turner and mcilwraith's techniques in large animal (It is possible to download the entire volume after creating a free account. The pdf file is accessible for 10 days. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Ungulate Management in Europe: Problems and Practices (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Vaccines for Veterinarians (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Vaccini e vaccinazioni degli animali da compagnia  (Login with SCU credentials. It is allowed to download the index and only one chapter)

Veterinary Anaesthesia (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Veterinary Endoscopy for the Small Animal Practitioner – 2nd ed. 2021 (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Veterinary medicine : a textbook of the diseases of cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and goats (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Veterinary Practice Management (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics (Perpetual download. Access is allowed to an unlimited number of concurrent users)

Veterinary surgery: small animal (It is possible to download the entire volume after creating a free account. The pdf file is accessible for 10 days. Access is allowed to 3 simultaneous users)

Zoologia (The volume cannot be downloaded. You can print up to a maximum of 10% of the volume. Unlimited access with no duration and access restrictions). See this tutorial   to learn how to access the book.


Tutorial per accedere ai titoli cardiotext

Last update: 17/10/2024