Some courses have been moved partly to external locations located in the Piedmont region, both to meet the logistical problems of students and because the chosen locations have better possibilities to allow lectures related to particular topics to take place.
The branch is located in corso Enotria 2/c, 12051 Alba (CN)
Teaching activities pertaining to the teachings of the second and third years of the Degree Course in Viticulture and Oenology are operative in the Alba location. Also very active are the multidisciplinary research activities of the wine sector with dedicated instrumental laboratories. The branch hosts and is active in promoting third mission activities such as meetings, conferences and public events for the production world and citizens.
opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
The office is located at the UNIASTISS University Pole in Piazzale Fabrizio De André, 14100 Asti.
In the Asti location, teaching activities pertaining to the teachings of the Interateneo Master's Degree in Viticulture and Oenological Sciences and the third year of the Bachelor's Degree in Food Technology are operational. The seat hosts third mission activities for the productive world and citizenship
The branch is located in Piazza Torino 3, 12100 Cuneo.
The Cuneo location hosts the educational activities related to the third year of the Bachelor's Degree in Food Technology - Food Industries Orientation as well as the first and second year of the Master's Degree in Food Science and Technology. The campus is also very active in the area of third mission by promoting meetings, conferences and public events for the productive world and citizenship.
Examination texts for the Food Science and Technology degree program are available for loan from the Cuneo University Library (Mater Amabilis, Via Ferraris di Celle 5). Books for further study, on the other hand, are available for reference at the dedicated book point in piazza Torino 3.